Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Some little sneak peeks

Captured M O M E N T S of R A W ness

The female body in its simplest of forms being the N U D E  

E N J O Y . . .

With Love 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A collection of M O M E N T S


N O N - F A B R I C  P I L O T  P R O J E C T

T H E  B R O K E N  R E J O I N E D  H A N D

 T H E  F I S T

T H E  B R E A S T

The F E M A L E F O R M # 2

The creation of an upper-body garment using an entire piece of leather, thus creating
Z E R O  W A S T E
As you can see on the clip I created a rough pattern and then laid it over the piece of leather in an appropriate way as to take advantage of the naturally forming shape of the piece of leather.

I've moulded this leather onto the mannequin to capture the
M O M E N T of F E M I N I N I T Y
that is the female F O R M. 
This F O R M is in its simplest and most naturalist state being as a  N U D E 

Creating B O O B S B O O B S B O O B S

P A R T  1
Making the M O U L D

P A R T  2
Forming the plaster  M O U L D  of the Breasts

A T T E M P T  #1

P A R T  2
Forming the plaster  M O U L D  of the Breasts

A T T E M P T  #2

P A R T  3
Undressing the  B O D Y

Using the left over  M O U L D  
to shape the DD Bra Cups


Just before I succeeded with creating the latex underwear this happened.

B U T . . .

Thats what is so good about the development of an idea, all your misstakes graduate into a better understanding of what the FUCK it is you're doing!


This video perfectly illustrates the two notions of . . .

'The taming of BEASTLY materials'

A N D 

'Being tamed by BEASTLY materials'

Creating F L E S H in the form of U N D E R W E A R

The developmental process of creating the latex underwear with the hair attached to the underneath of the bum. 
This underwear visually causes questioning of purpose and placement on the body. 

It's natural for you to ask questions like. . .

What is the hair? 

Why is it there? 

Is it what I think it is? 

It is the asking of these questions that cause me to create these pieces. My practice is partly based upon reactions and personally it is these reactions and responses that inspire me.

Monday, October 31, 2011

The F A I L E D knee

This post is in response to my older post entitles 'Developing the L E G' I'll post a link in the comments don't worry x

Lets just say M O U L D I N G the knee in Leather didn't work out to well, the shape was all wrong and the form once made into leather didn't keep the original characteristics of the knee like the plaster mould did.

. . . F A I L . . .

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


 Danielle Vidoni©

Danielle Vidoni©

M O M E N T S . . . . F L E S H

Danielle Vidoni©

 Danielle Vidoni©

 Danielle Vidoni©

Danielle Vidoni©

 Danielle Vidoni©

Danielle Vidoni©

The U N D R E S S E D B O D Y


Danielle Vidoni©

 Danielle Vidoni©

 Danielle Vidoni©

 Danielle Vidoni©

 Danielle Vidoni©

 Danielle Vidoni©

Two days of painting latex on to the female mannequin and this is the result . . . I'm happy. It's looking  R A W  and  B E A S T  like.

The female F O R M

Nude Photography 1850-1980 Edited by Constance Sullivan©

These are M O M E N T S...
The female form at its simplest and most refined state N A T  U R A L  and  U N T O U C H E D. This image feels right, there is no nakedness or accidental exposure these woman are beautifully and naturally N U D

This is the one image that my current collection of exploratory sculpture and wearable garments are based upon.  It is in the capturing of these M O M E N T S that I am  U N D R E S S I N G           T H E  B O D Y

F L E S H again...

Danielle Vidoni©

2 days in the making but we finally finished this lovely top, photos of it on the body will be up soon...

Sunday, October 16, 2011


A H H H H H H HHH  S O  S O  L A T E ! ! !

Oh gosh, Oh me, Oh my, what am I to do with myself?? 
T H I S  movie was suppose to be put together a L O N G  L O N G  time ago and I have  F I N A L L Y  done it!! 

It's a movie about the fun we had with the phone in class playing with weigh distribution on the body, videoing how it effects our physical movements as well as our mental attitudes, this is what I came up with, but not without the very  A W E S O M E  help of the beautiful Eugenie... 

Danielle Vidoni©

This next video is a continuation of the above experiment but with the jacket from my                          N O N - F A B R I C  Pilot Project. The jacket I am applying to my body is made from insulating nails strung together on leather and sewn to the skeleton of a jacket. 
The video captures me in the process of putting on the jacket and wearing it whilst at the same time avoiding the nails from digging in to the surface of my skin causing marks to appear (of which some are visible on this poor quality video). The video illustrates the struggle I having with the jacket.

...Being the observed is a different experience to being the observer...

Danielle Vidoni©

Developing the L E G

This video illustrated the slow process of wrapping my own leg in plaster to create a mould.
The idea is to capture the  M O M E N T  of a bent leg. 

Danielle Vidoni©

I've been finding it integral to the developmental process of my practice to capture these processes. 
In videoing the process I am able to capture the  M O M E N T S  of which I am being  T A M E D  by the  B E A S T  and the        B E A S T  is  T A M I N G  me.


'The body is being rethought and reconsidered by artists and writers because it is being reconstructed and reconstituted by scientists and engineers' (The body, Photo Works of the Human Body, William A. Ewing)

The french poet Paul ValĂ©ry once said, 'The deepest thing in man is the skin'

Looking closely at the surface can at times tell a longer and deeper story than that of a blank canvas. People are not willing to open up and tell their story but one can gather a history by simply observing the scares, birth marks, wrinkles the imperfections that adorn the surface of the human body. 

To have the consciousness to searching in the mirror for a wrinkle or blemish is in its self literal  directness and honesty.

I have included a couple of images that are in my folio which to me represent the idea of imperfection/perfection in flesh. They are all vastly visually detached yet are all rooted in origin being that of the human form.  

John Coplans
Self Portrait, 1984

Robert Davies
ear 1 1992

Danielle Vidoni©

R A W  flesh made from brush latex
This was a cast made from the female form I made out of plaster cast earlier in the semester. In one of my earlier blog entries Peeling of the L A T E X  you can actually see the process of peeling the latex 'flesh' from the mould. 
Right now the latex reminds me of paper... 
Perhaps in a different context its tactile fleshiness might be visually portrayed more accurately.

F L E S H  The  S U T U R E   W O U N D 

Danielle Vidoni©

These two images above highlight this image of surface scaring and imperfection, that are not always imperfections but rather areas of interest and beauty, they are integral features that often tell a story or reveal a secret. The top image is sourced from a medical website and the one beneath is a cropped close up of my moulded bra cup, they both have a visual closeness yet are so radically different. I didnt actually make the connection between my own bra cup and the suture wound on flesh till sometime after sewing the cup up. 

A scar can be seen as an 'individuals geography' or as a 'map of the life, rather than as a disfigurement' (Caroline Evans in Fashion At The Edge)

Sean Ellis, Tissue: A Portfolio of Scars, The Face 1997

Monday, October 3, 2011

U N D R E S S I N G the hand

... T H E   M A T E R I A L I T Y   O F   H E A V I N E S S ...
A hand that I made out of the collection ‘U N D R E S S I N G   T H E   B O D Y’ 
all of charlottes finger prints were left in the hand and as you can see from the image bellow the detail in which i was able to capture the hand before undressing it. 
latex may not have had a previous life like leather and there for there is not as much meaning behind giving the materiality of latex new life but there is no reason why we can give this previously non living thing new life. It is in giving life to the hand that creates a 'M O M E N T' where 'an I M P R I N T  is left by a M O T I O N' made by a  'H E A V Y   M O T I O N' as well as the long process of painting latex upon the hand.

 A  'M O M E N T'  is created through the 

'C O M P R E S S I O N'  of an object and in this case it is the human hand.

... U N D R E S S I N G   T H E   H A N D ...

Danielle Vidoni©

Danielle Vidoni©

I find it partially beautiful how the hand sits when no longer being worn, some but not all of the shape is gone. 

Danielle Vidoni©

Danielle Vidoni©