Tuesday, March 20, 2012

D E - C O N S T R U C T I N G the plastic bag

We were asked in class to begin to document your process in the form of a video recording, this is something I had already been doing last semester. Recording your process is incredibly helpful as I was able to go back through and look at exactly what I did in each step. I've been trying to make these videos kind of fun by speeding up and putting music in over the top. There is nothing worse than watching a boring video that goes for ever and I sure as hell am not going to watch my own video again if it's going to shit me to tears.

So anyway, this is a couple of videos I slapped together to make the one. This is the first experimentation I did with the plastic bag. I haven't put any images up of what it looked like on the stand, and to be honest I probably wouldn't because I  H A T E D  it with a vegence. Don't get me wrong I'm keeping with the concept of the plastic bag but using it as an actual garment on the body after de-constructing just doesn't do it for me.

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